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2024-2025 Membership Form
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WJC Membership Form 2024–25
Whether you've been a cherished member of the WJC family for over 30 years or you're embarking on this journey with us for the first time, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your belonging.
At WJC, belonging means being valued, accepted, and embraced as part of our vibrant community. It's about forging meaningful connections, receiving support while sharing your unique talents, and taking pride in the rich diversity that enriches our membership.
As we look forward to the year ahead,
we invite you to complete the membership form below.
This allows you to update your information and make choices about how you'd like to contribute to WJC's mission and vision this year. Your participation strengthens our community, and we're thrilled for you to be a part of our community.
**An Important Note About This Form**
This form utilizes smart logic, meaning that the information displayed will vary based on your responses to each question.
Please read each selection carefully and answer the questions in the order they are presented.
f you have previously interacted with WJC, please log into your account.
Once you have logged in any existing account information will be shown in the answer field.
If this information is outdated, please update it accordingly.
Personal/Family Information
What is your relationship to the WJC?
Please Select One
I am a renewing my membership
I am a new member
Have you been a member longer then three years?
What year did you first join the WJC?
Welcome to Kehillat Lev Shalem, The Woodstock Jewish Congregation!
We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant and inclusive community, where everyone is embraced for who they are and where each member enriches our collective journey. Belonging to our congregation means more than just being a member; it means being seen, connected, supported, and proud.
What year did you first join the WJC?
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone Number
Home Phone
Primary Address
--Select State--
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Is there an additional adult in your household?
Please Select One
Please make a selection
First Name
Last Name
Wedding Anniversary (If Applicable)
What skills or talents would you like to share with the WJC?
Do you have children under the age of 22?
How many children do you have?
For the purpose of this question please only include your children not the spouses of your children or grandchildren.
Child 1 First Name
Child 1 Last Name
Child 1 Birthdate
Child 2 First Name
Child 2 Last Name
Child 2 Birthdate
Child 3 First Name
Child 3 Last Name
Child 3 Birthdate
Child 4 First Name
Child 4 Last Name
Child 4 Birthdate
Child 5 First Name
Child 5 Last Name
Child 5 Birthdate
Privacy Information
Book of Numbers
Yes, I am happy to be listed in the Book of Numbers
No, please do not list my information in the Book of Numbers
Names, address, and phone numbers will be included in our Book of Numbers which is available to members only.
Please make a selection if you would prefer to not be listed in the Book of Numbers.
Consent for Image Use
Consent for Image Use
The undersigned hereby give permission for pictures/video recordings/identification of any family members to be used in advertisements, websites, news coverage or publicity.
Membership Dues Options
We're excited to introduce our
new membership model at Woodstock Jewish Congregation,
designed to meet diverse needs and circumstances.
Membership for adults aged 28 and older can choose either
Set Dues
Fair Share Dues.
Set Dues offer straightforward options:
$1,200 Annual Dues for 1 adult household
Fair Share Dues allows members to select a commitment based on their adjusted gross income
using our Fair Share Dues Schedule.
Remote Membership
extends membership benefits to remote participants who join our programs via Zoom: Annual fees are $690 for 1 adult household, or 60% of the fair share dues level. Remote members are eligible to serve on committees or as Board members if nominated.
Additionally, for those under 28, we have a
young adult membership.
We're excited to introduce our
new membership model at Woodstock Jewish Congregation,
designed to meet diverse needs and circumstances.
Membership for adults aged 28 and older can choose either
Set Dues
Fair Share Dues.
Set Dues offer straightforward options:
$1,800 for 2 adult households.
Fair Share Dues allows members to select a commitment based on their adjusted gross income
using our Fair Share Dues Schedule.
Zoom Only Membership
extends membership benefits to remote participants who join our programs via Zoom: Annual fees are $1,035 for 2 adult households, or 60% of the fair share dues level.
Please Select One
Please make your selection below.
Set Dues for One Adult
Fair Share Dues for One Adult
Zoom Only Membership: Set Dues
Zoom Only Membership: Fair Share
Under 28
Please Select One
Please make your selection below.
Set Dues for two adults
Fair Share Dues
Zoom Only Membership: Set Dues
Zoom Only Membership: Fair Share Dues
By checking this box I commit to $1,200 Annual Dues
By checking this box I commit to $1,200 Annual Dues
A 1 adult household membership includes one adult, all children under the age of 22, and dependents with special needs. If there is a second primary adult in your household, we ask that you go back and select a 2 adult household option. Under this new model, if you are unable to meet this set dues amount, please refer to the Fair Share dues.
The WJC enjoys the participation of many individuals who experience services, teachings and other programs through the power of Zoom. These individuals are scattered throughout the state and country, often at some distance from the shul, or cannot otherwise attend WJC events in person. We want to encourage their participation and invite them to recognize the WJC as their spiritual community through a Zoom membership.
By becoming a Zoom member, one can also serve on committees as well as take on a governance role as a board member should they so desire and be nominated.
We request an annual fee of $690 for Zoom Membership for a 1 adult household.
By clicking this box I elect a Zoom Membership for $690
By clicking this box I elect a Zoom Membership for $690
Under 28
Between the ages of 22 and 27, members can join at a significantly reduced level with slight increases each year to build up to full commitment.
Regardless of one’s exact age, young adults enter membership at the first year rate.
However, upon reaching age 28, full membership commitment is expected, regardless of the total years of membership.
Please check what year of membership you are in:
1st Year of Membership
2nd Year of Membership
3rd Year of Membership
4th Year of Membership
5th Year of Membership
6th Year of Membership
By checking this box I commit to $1,800 Annual Dues
By checking this box I commit to $1,800 Annual Dues
A 2 adult household membership includes two adults, all children under the age of 22, and dependents with special needs.
Under this new model, if you are unable to meet this set dues amount, please refer to the Fair Share dues.
Fair Share Dues
The WJC wishes to affirm our community’s value of accessibility to WJC membership, regardless of ability to pay. It also wishes to uphold our obligation to create a
kehillah kedoshah
- a holy community – where we each assume responsibility for meeting the costs of maintaining and operating our synagogue.
A Fair Share Dues system, which is currently being offered as an alternative, allocates a portion of that financial responsibility among our community members based on their household income.
Please refer to the Fair Share Dues Schedule below.
This schedule should help you assess your membership commitment. We are not asking you to disclose details concerning your income, nor are any financial documents required. We ask only that you select your dues level as honestly and accurately as possible. You are the expert on what is accessible for you to financially contribute.
If you would like to speak with someone about how to calculate your income, help you decide which dues option works best for you, or seek other financial assistance, please contact the Executive Director ( /845-679-2218) or Treasurer ( to discuss.
All financial information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Annual Gross Income
Annual Dues 1 Adult (1.75%)
Under $30,000
$30,000 - 39,999
$40,000 - 49,999
$50,000 - 59,999
$60,000 - 69,999
$70,000 - 79,999
$80,000 - 89,999
$90,000 - 99,999
$100,000 - 124,999
$125,000 - 149,999
$150,000 - $174,999
$175,000 - $199,000
$200,000 - $249,999
Over $250,000
What amount would you like to contribute?
Fair Share Dues - Zoom
The WJC wishes to affirm our community’s value of accessibility to WJC membership, regardless of ability to pay. It also wishes to uphold our obligation to create a
kehillah kedoshah
- a holy community – where we each assume responsibility for meeting the costs of maintaining and operating our synagogue.
A Fair Share Dues system, which is currently being offered as an alternative, allocates a portion of that financial responsibility among our community members based on their household income.
Please refer to the Fair Share Dues Schedule below.
This schedule should help you assess your membership commitment. We are not asking you to disclose details concerning your income, nor are any financial documents required. We ask only that you select your dues level as honestly and accurately as possible. You are the expert on what is accessible for you to financially contribute.
If you would like to speak with someone about how to calculate your income, help you decide which dues option works best for you, or seek other financial assistance, please contact the Executive Director ( /845-679-2218) or Treasurer ( to discuss.
All financial information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Annual Gross Income
1 Adult Zoom (60% of 1.75%)
Under $30,000
$30,000 - 39,999
$40,000 - 49,999
$50,000 - 59,999
$60,000 - 69,999
$70,000 - 79,999
$80,000 - 89,999
$90,000 - 99,999
$100,000 - 124,999
$125,000 - 149,999
$150,000 - 174,999
$175,000 - 199,000
$200,000 - 249,999
Over $250,000
What amount would you like to contribute?
Fair Share Dues - Zoom
The WJC wishes to affirm our community’s value of accessibility to WJC membership, regardless of ability to pay. It also wishes to uphold our obligation to create a
kehillah kedoshah
- a holy community – where we each assume responsibility for meeting the costs of maintaining and operating our synagogue.
A Fair Share Dues system, which is currently being offered as an alternative, allocates a portion of that financial responsibility among our community members based on their household income.
Please refer to the Fair Share Dues Schedule below.
This schedule should help you assess your membership commitment. We are not asking you to disclose details concerning your income, nor are any financial documents required. We ask only that you select your dues level as honestly and accurately as possible. You are the expert on what is accessible for you to financially contribute.
If you would like to speak with someone about how to calculate your income, help you decide which dues option works best for you, or seek other financial assistance, please contact the Executive Director ( /845-679-2218) or Treasurer ( to discuss.
All financial information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Annual Gross Income
1 Adult Zoom (60% of 1.75%)
Under $30,000
$30,000 - 39,999
$40,000 - 49,999
$50,000 - 59,999
$60,000 - 69,999
$70,000 - 79,999
$80,000 - 89,999
$90,000 - 99,999
$100,000 - 124,999
$125,000 - 149,999
$150,000 - 174,999
$175,000 - 199,000
$200,000 - 249,999
Over $250,000
What amount would you like to contribute?
The WJC enjoys the participation of many individuals who experience services, teachings and other programs through the power of Zoom. These individuals are scattered throughout the state and country, often at some distance from the shul, or cannot otherwise attend WJC events in person. We want to encourage their participation and invite them to recognize the WJC as their spiritual community through a remote membership. By becoming a remote member, one can also serve on committees as well as take on a governance role as a board member should they so desire and be nominated.
We request an annual fee of $1035.00 for Remote Members for a 2 adult household.
By checking this box I commit to $1035 for a Zoom Membership
By checking this box I commit to $1035 for a Zoom Membership
The WJC wishes to affirm our community’s value of accessibility to WJC membership, regardless of ability to pay.
It also wishes to uphold our obligation to create a
kehillah kedoshah
- a holy community – where we each assume responsibility for meeting the costs of maintaining and operating our synagogue. A Fair Share Dues system, which is currently being offered as an alternative, allocates a portion of that financial responsibility among our community members based on their household income.
Please refer to the Fair Share Dues Schedule below.
This schedule should help you assess your membership commitment. We are not asking you to disclose details concerning your income, nor are any financial documents required. We ask only that you select your dues level as honestly and accurately as possible. You are the expert on what is accessible for you to financially contribute.
If you would like to speak with someone about how to calculate your income, help you decide which dues option works best for you, or seek other financial assistance, please contact the Executive Director ( /845-679-2218) or Treasurer ( to discuss.
All financial information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Annual Gross Income
Dues 2 Adults Zoom ( 3.75%)
Under $30,000
$30,000 - 39,999
$40,000 - 49,999
$50,000 - 59,999
$60,000 - 69,999
$70,000 - 79,999
$80,000 - 89,999
$90,000 - 99,999
$100,000 - 124,999
$125,000 - 149,999
$150,000 - 174,999
$175,000 - 199,000
$200,000 - 249,999
Over $250,000
What amount would you like to contribute?
Building Fund
Members are expected to contribute at least $200 per year, starting in the third year of a standard membership and until a total of $1,000 has been paid to the building fund.
If you are a current member, you can elect to start your payments in 2024, 2025 or 2026.
This contribution will be waived during the years in which members are paying tuition for children in our Family School or B’Mitzvah Program.
What year would you like to begin contributing to the Building Fund?
I am not currently eligible to participate in the Building Fund
How would you like to make this contribution?
$200 per year for the next three years
$1000.00 this year
Join the Chai Circle
The WJC honors those members who contribute above and beyond their standard dues payments or give a significant contribution of their time to the success of the WJC.
Households that contribute $1800 (“Chai”) above their dues level, will be recognized as members of the Chai Circle.
Additionally, notable volunteers will be selected by the Board each year. All members of the Chai Circle will receive up to three additional tickets for the following High Holiday services. If members cannot personally use their tickets, they are welcome to donate them to participants who cannot afford the cost of High Holiday services. Additional events may be scheduled for Chai Circle members at the WJC’s discretion.
If you would like to join the Chai Circle, please enter an amount $1,800 or higher.
If you are not ready to join the Chai Circle at this time but would like someone to contact you with more information please check this box.
If you are not ready to join the Chai Circle at this time but would like someone to contact you with more information please check this box.
In order to be a member in good standing, we request that you make a contribution to the WJC upon completing this form, even if you would rather make your full contribution via check or other payment method.
On the next page you will be directed to make your contribution, which is displayed below and calculated based on your above selections. You will be able to elect to make your full commitment now or make a recurring contribution of your choosing.
All contributions for this year should be made in full by June 1, 2025.
If you are logged into your account you will be able to record your preferences and send a check(s) at your convenience or make your contribution through a donor advised fund.
Fri, 28 March 2025
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Fri, 28 March 2025